Home.... Polar Computers HRM
Polar Cycle Computers for Sale
Latest deals on Cycle Computers from Polar
In this section you can find a regular and substantial supply of Polar Computers at reduced prices, because of their extensive range available. This normally includes deals on budget and entry level models all the way up to top specification computers.
Price range information
There are 12 general price levels for Polar computers, with the top models being versions of the
Polar RS800. The prices for the range increase in the following order
- we've shown typical mid-prices to try to make like-for-like comparisons:
- Polar FT1 - £42
- Polar FT2 - £43
- Polar FT3 - £43
- Polar FT4 - £68
- Polar CS100 - £75
- Polar CS200 - £121
- Polar CS300 - £126
- Polar CS400 - £126
- Polar RCX - £201
- Polar CS500 - £202
- Polar CS600 - £251
- Polar RS800 - £333