Home.... Pearl Izumi Cycling Shoes
Pearl Izumi Cycling Shoes for Sale
Latest offers on Cycling Shoes from Pearl-Izumi
There is a smallish selection of Pearl Izumi shoes usually available at discounted prices, including mtb and road versions, but you need to keep a sharp lookout to catch the best offers before they get withdrawn.
Price range information
There are 6 general price levels for Pearl Izumi shoes,
with products such as the Pearl Izumi Elite at the top of the range.
The prices for the Pearl Izumi range rise in the following order (these are mid-prices):
- Pearl Izumi Select - £42
- Pearl Izumi Fuel - £60
- Pearl Izumi X Alp - £90
- Pearl Izumi Race - £99
- Pearl Izumi Fly - £105
- Pearl Izumi Elite - £136