Home.... Minoura Turbo Trainers
Minoura Turbo Trainers for Sale
Latest offers on Turbo Trainers & Rollers from Minoura
In this section you'll find a good and regular selection of Minoura turbo trainers with price reductions, covering mag, fluid and rim drive trainers, together with bike rollers. At the moment you can save on 6 products, from a maximum of around 33%
for the Minoura Mag Ride 60d Magnetic Turbo Trainer at Cyclestore
to 10% for the Minoura Trainer Mat 4 at Cyclestore.
The top ten discounts on Minoura Turbo Trainers will give you an average 24% off (that's about £56).
At the moment we haven't found any discounted products in this category.
The total number of discounts for Minoura Roller products is 1
at the moment, with the percentage saved ranging from 27%
for the Live Roll R720 with Foot Step Rollers to 27% for the Minoura Live Roll R720 with Foot Step Rollers,
giving actual savings of between £110
and £110
There are 1 Minoura Live Ride products for sale at discount prices,
with Cycle Surgery having the largest selection. They offer an average saving of 31%
with the largest saving being £79.99 off the Minoura Live Ride 540 Trainer No Colour.
There are 1 Minoura RDA products for sale at discount prices,
with Cyclestore having the largest selection. They offer an average saving of 15%
with the largest saving being £40.50 off the Minoura Rda 2429 Rim Drive Cycle Trainer.
Price range information
There are 7 main product price bands for Minoura turbo-trainers, depending on the number of
functions built into the models, with the top range being represented by products like the
Minoura Magteqs.
The prices for the range rise as follows - (these are typical mid-prices for each model range):
- Minoura B60 - £120
- Minoura V130 - £180
- Minoura V150 - £193
- Minoura RDA - £214
- Minoura V270 - £230
- Minoura Live Ride - £247
- Minoura Magteqs - £333