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Home.... Fizik Saddles

Fizik Saddles for Sale


Latest deals on Saddles from Fizik

Here are some great offers and discounts on the range of Fizik saddles which includes some of their most popular and highly rated models.

Price range information

There are 12 price bands for Fizik saddles, with the top range being represented by products like the Fizik Arione Carbon. Specifications rise in the following order - these are typical mid-prices.
  • Fizik Rondine - £54
  • Fizik Aliante - £81
  • Fizik Vitesse - £81
  • Fizik Arione - £90
  • Fizik Tundra - £110
  • Fizik Antares - £126
  • Fizik Tundra Carbon - £126
  • Fizik Arione CX - £133
  • Fizik Antares Carbon - £144
  • Fizik Aliante Carbon - £180
  • Fizik Kurve - £190
  • Fizik Arione Carbon - £216