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Home.... Cateye Computers HRM

Cateye Computers for Sale


Latest deals on Cycle Computers from Cateye

This page covers recent special offers and discounts on Cateye Computers throughout the range from basic functioning models for bikes to those including heart rate monitoring.

Price range information

There are 6 general price levels for Cateye computers, with the top models being versions of the Cateye V3. The prices for the range increase in the following order - we've shown typical mid-prices to try to make like-for-like comparisons:
  • Cateye Velo - £22
  • Cateye Enduro - £26
  • Cateye Micro - £36
  • Cateye Strada - £40
  • Cateye V2 - £90
  • Cateye V3 - £112